
Did you or your team ever experience the following sensations?

  • “I’d like to work in a more agile or flexible way, but Scrum isn’t a good fit”
  • “We have a lot of work and have a hard time prioritizing”
  • “I’d like to work in a more agile or flexible way, but Scrum isn’t a good fit”
  •  “We have too much work to do”
  •  “Our work is too dynamic to be planned in sprints”
  • “We can’t finish a product/service end-to-end in our team. We are just part of a larger organization”
  •  “We struggle to deliver predictably”
  • “Most of our work is to make sure we liaise with external suppliers”

If so, that’s great because we are writing a book exactly for you. Via this post Pragmatic kanban a book concept we like to give you the first preview of it. Please do provide us with your feedback on this idea. Get in contact with us by emailing [email protected].

Part 1: Kanban for teams

The first part will be made up of a continuing case (part of each chapter) that illustrates how a team that starts to apply Kanban practices grows and collaborates in their implementation. The case is built around theory so that each reader can apply practices based on their own context.


The first chapters will set apart the context for teams that use Kanban as well as the evolution of the method, the connection to Agile and Lean methodologies, and some high-level implementation principles.

In this case, we follow our hero (Mr Kan Ban) through his journey of learning about Kanban and building a Kanban system for his team. He explains the issues his team runs into, learns about the history and practices of Kanban for knowledge work, and tries out different ways to improve value delivery for his team’s customers.


When Mr Kan Bans team starts to deliver value, he will learn about growing his Kanban implementation to deliver more value as an organization, not just the team.

Part 2: Kanban across the organization

In the second part of the book, we take a step back from the team level and will learn more about how to apply Kanban in other contexts. Those contexts will be split up into departments and industries.


Cases will be discussed from departments like HR, Sales, and the PMO. Their specific problems, ways of working, and dynamics will be shown.


The different industries will shed light on specific considerations that are made when the industry is changed. How to deal with tightly regulated organizations? Or work that only brings value when it’s (almost) fully complete, like regulations, policies, and architectural designs.